October 31, 2010

Any Given Sunday

I couldn't tell this morning while walking the dogs whether the people filtering out of various buildings were really doctors or were still wearing Halloween outfits or both and whether the women filtering out of the various buildings were really sluts or were still wearing Halloween outfits or had been magically transformed from the latter to the former overnight; I didn't see any men dressed as Chippendale dancers, although many did look like Chris Farley.

At Starbucks a little later this morning, a customer waiting for her extremely hot beverage took my latte to apparently see if it was hers. It's hard to believe that as between my small latte and her medium-sized caramel macchiato, both sitting there innocently on the pick-up counter, she would grab the smaller one; and she did not grab the cup, but the top, spinning it around, palming the edge from where I would drink. "That's mine," I said, politely and cheerfully. She ignored me and continued to touch my cup lid. "What is this?" she asked nobody in particular. "That is mine," I said. "That's a tall non-fat latte. The other one is yours," the barista pointed out. The woman then took the larger cup and walked toward the door. I guess she simply forgot to apologize for contaminating the lid of my coffee cup. Before I could say anything to the barista, she asked, reaching for my cup, "New lid?"

I decided since it was so early in the morning that maybe the new Dunkin' Donuts in Lakewood would have fresh donuts. I admit that each time I try Dunkin' Donuts, it's closer to midnight than to 8 in the morning; and maybe that is the problem with never getting a fresh donut there. I am understanding about these things.

I guess I didn't get there early enough to get a fresh donut. Or does Dunkin' Donuts just plain suck? I choked down one small bite, then threw out the remainder. I don't get it. I guess regular customers appreciate the consistency of the product. I heard a rumor that there was a place out east that makes good doughnuts. I might make the drive later.

Posted by Bill at October 31, 2010 11:36 AM

No Krispi Kreme?

Posted by: Vicki at October 31, 2010 12:58 PM

You are a gentleman, Bill. I would've been tempted to explain, "Thats a tall java wedgie. You're about to learn what it feels like going down the back of your pants."

Posted by: Kyle at November 6, 2010 11:55 PM

I'm still waiting for Starbucks to arrive in our town, when it does I'll keep a close eye on my lid.

Posted by: Anji at November 9, 2010 01:57 AM