November 11, 2010

Jury Duty

A summons for jury duty was served upon me a few weeks ago by the county court because I laughed when the long-absent blogger on my right, which is on your left as you look at your computer screen, received a summons for jury duty in the municipal court. Her service was for two days; mine was for five days. She was required to call in the day before, which she did, to see if the court needed her, which the court did not. I was required to report, watch a movie about jury duty, and then sit in a big room with several hundred other people waiting for my name to be called.

A similar thing happened to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder after he laughed at his wife when she was summoned for jury duty.

I'm not what one would call really, really paranoid, just somewhat paranoid; but it seems like the tentacles of a vast women's network creep insidiously into every aspect of life and control much of what is happening in the world. It's almost to a point where you better be looking behind you more often; perhaps, an investment in rear view mirror glasses is wise.

Posted by Bill at November 11, 2010 01:19 PM

Never laugh at your better half.

Posted by: Anji at November 12, 2010 04:51 PM