November 18, 2010

Playing Footsie

I woke up this morning, showered, and walked the dogs before sunrise.

I nearly tripped and fell over the curb -- it's about 8 inches high -- at an intersection near the building. Only my superior natural athletic ability saved me from crashing down into the street, falling on my face, and letting the leashes go so that the dogs could devour every Boston Terrier they could find. I say this only because when we took the dogs to get groomed, while walking very happily to the front door of the groomer's 1920's wood-sided bungalow with all nature of concrete dog statuary lining the driveway and the walk, welcoming normal dogs to the pleasant experience awaiting inside, Bella ran directly toward the concrete Boston Terrier, which was, admittedly, staring, unblinking, uncoweringly, directly at Bella.

Bella racing toward the defenseless Boston Terrier, opened her Boxer mouth, ready to sink her teeth into the head of the Boston Terrier, and then chomped down. No reaction from the brave, emotionless Boston Terrier. Bella, dazed, stepped back and watched the Boston Terrier fall over, unbloodied, four little concrete feet still anchored to the ground, but broken legs splayed out, stiff, as if dead.

I looked around, and not seeing anyone looking out the window curtains of the bungalow, or pulling into the driveway, reached down for the poor Boston Terrier, and balanced it precariously on the stumps that were its legs.

In any event, I was able to save the city's Boston Terrier population by maintaining a grip upon the leashes.

But as the day wore on, I noticed slight problems -- balance problems, perhaps. My good friend, Scott, suffered from vertigo a few years ago. He'd be consigned to bed, unable to function due to the spinning world around him. Surgery helped -- made him deaf in one ear, though.

There were other more serious diseases about which I refused to ponder. Maybe, it was the fact I didn't eat breakfast. Something less than serious.

I finally made it home this evening, after tripping over nothing in particular and nearly knocking over the new Christmas display at Starbucks.

And took off my shoes:

Posted by Bill at November 18, 2010 12:00 AM

You must find those left and right socks very helpful. Is your 'L' foot swollen?

I fell over the front door step a couple of months ago and my knee is still swollen.

I can't help wondering how many other dog owners have carefully placed that Boston Terrier back on its stumps

Posted by: Anji at November 18, 2010 02:15 AM

I think there was a movie made about you...My Two Left Feet....

(And hanging out my podiatrist shingle, it would appear that you are also flat-footed? You coulda been a "pleeceman"!

Can I have your autograph?

Posted by: Cowtown Pattie at November 20, 2010 09:26 PM