December 21, 2010

Invitation to Disaster

There was a time last year when people were calling me to get seats to Cleveland Cavalier basketball games. I could have made a fortune selling the tickets I had. I didn't. I invited people to games and did not expect them to pay and refused payment when offered.

So, we now fast forward to the recent past -- yesterday, last night's Cavs basketball game. I found a taker, a serious and long-time Cavs fan, for two of the seats.

The long-absent blogger on my right, which is on your left as you look at your computer screen, is not attending games. A boycott, she says. Fair weather fan, some say; I remain aloof and uninvolved in her personal Cavs fan drama.

I had an extra ducat to the game. I went down my list of people to call and text, but everyone claimed to be "busy." Do people really have Christmas parties on a Monday night? Do people really have to "work late" the Monday before Christmas? Is Hannukah still going on, and is it really as holy as it was made out to be?

"My back is bothering me. Sorry." Really? He's the guy who went to the Knicks game last season exactly one week after having back surgery. Sure, yeah. Just wait until you want a ticket to the playoff games.

So, I sat in the coffee shop to see if I knew anyone I hadn't asked. Nobody. I suppose I could've asked some stranger; but, with my luck, I would have been sitting next to a serial killer. So, I started to walk to the Q. And then I ran into one of my neighbors, who lives down the hall, who was smiling, wanting to know where I was headed. I thought that was a good sign. I told him and asked if he wanted to go to the game.

"I'm wrapping Christmas presents."


Posted by Bill at December 21, 2010 12:56 PM