January 05, 2011

Cavaliers Fan Update

The hike to my seat tonight seemed a lot longer and much steeper than usual. Maybe it's because I walked through the tunnel from Tower City and took the steps up to the arena. Maybe it's because since I got back from Atlanta, the Cavs have won one (1) game. That's one for December and January.

I made it to my seat. The people I invited counted a vegetarian among them. I discovered from my customer service rep a concession stand serves veggie-burgers at section 123; so, I got that going for me.

And the Cavs lost once again. It's enough to make me want to start drinking at games, but the beer guy doesn't visit way up where I'm sitting anymore.

It's not as easy to give away tickets as it was last year, which was before LeBron Jones left the unwed mother of his two children, all of whom he directed to take care of his 23,000 square foot house, his life-size statue serving as a companion. Enough of that.

As I said, it is not as easy to get people to go to games.

On the walk home, I formulated a plan. I'm certain Bella will be happy to go to the next game with me. I'm not sure about Scout. If I bring treats, she might come along. Sheba will absolutely not go to the game. She hates basketball.

I know dogs aren't allowed in the Q. And I am not going to claim that they are service dogs. That would be lying.

Disguises. They will be in disguise -- Bella will be Cameron Diaz; and Scout, well, I know this is pretty nasty of me, but she's going to have to go as Danny DeVito because she is so short.

That's the plan. It'll work, so long as one of them doesn't try to bring a gun.

Posted by Bill at January 5, 2011 11:03 PM

Does Scout read your blog?

Posted by: Anji at January 6, 2011 03:40 AM

I was going to say something about dogs in an arena and a concession stand with Milkbones, but my brain won't let go of the idea of a 23000 sq ft house. That's not a home, it's an asylum.

Posted by: Kyle at January 9, 2011 01:08 PM