March 17, 2011

The Power of Math

I have no idea why I keep getting H-P ads. I don't have any Hewlett Packard stuff. I have done the whole thing with unsubscribing. It doesn't work because my e-mail address is etched deeply into the memory of the H-P mainframe, what with having purchased more printers than I can count and 286, 386, 486, and tablet computers going way back before the turn of the century. The mainframe obviously thinks I'm joking about unsubscribing.

Today, I got an e-mail ad for some H-P servers and, I heard this word a lot today from a drunk guy who stopped me for directions, what-not. Never try to give directions to a drunk guy -- or what-not.

Here's a part of the ad:
hp printer.jpg

I calculated the laser printer's actual price by using my math skills: $11,239,424.

It's not worth it ... unless it has an endless supply of ink.

And 2 dogs ... well, they have a hard time when they have lost a companion of 7 years. They don't eat much at all. They sniff every pee spot to see if there are any messages. They aren't active. They want to be petted more than ever before. They won't play with certain toys. They don't know which bowl to eat from. They sleep touching each other.

Posted by Bill at March 17, 2011 10:59 PM

oh. :( That's heartbreakingly poignant. They miss their Sheba. And I know that you do, too. Again, I'm so sorry.

Posted by: Keri at March 18, 2011 05:43 PM

So, so sorry that you all lost a dear family member. The grief is awful and I am glad the other two dogs have each other. We still miss our little gal...
So very sorry Bill.

Posted by: tracy at March 21, 2011 11:24 PM