March 29, 2011

Cleveland International Film Festival 2

Waking up at 4:45 in the morning is not conducive to attending a 2:20 p.m. showing of the movie, Snap. Because of the parking situation, I was several minutes late and tried to figure out what was going on. I sat across an aisle and one row behind Stacey and her sister.

So, about 20 minutes after getting comfortable in my seat, kind of curled up, hat on because of a cool breeze across my bald pate, left hand in a contemplative pose shielding my face from the woman sitting two seats to my left, I decided to succumb to Hypnos for just a few minutes.

An alarm went off, which caused no small consternation amongst the people in the area. You know how arrogant those film cognoscenti can be, especially when the film is ... well, artsy-fartsy, with all kinds of flashbacks within flashbacks and dark psychological insights into the characters, readily apparent to anyone of modicum intelligence, made to seem real, real mysterious and uncommon, revealed at the end of the movie film.

So, Stacey's alarm woke me up, which I think, considering the movie, was not a good thing. I know I missed some of the story, but I could have used another half hour. I was having a pleasant dream in juxtaposition to the bleakness of the subject matter of the film.

The alarm incident ... we discussed this major faux pas at length to prepare for when it happens again because we are *ahem* far from perfect. I'm supposed to jump out of my seat and scream, "Oh my god, your heart monitor! CPR! I NEED TO DO CPR ON HER!"

That'll show 'em.

Posted by Bill at March 29, 2011 11:30 PM

ROFL! Oh dear. THIS is what HBB and I need for a plan the next time we are trapped at my folks' house. Oh wait. Probably not a good plan with my dad approaching 80. Maybe good when trapped at the neighbors??? Our lame-o excuse of leaving the egg salad sitting out just won't cut it many more times. ;-)

Good plan. Get these plans together AHEAD of time you guys! Excellent.

Posted by: Keri at March 30, 2011 03:19 PM