April 02, 2011

Lawyers Talk Too Much

It is truly wonderful that a big law firm coughed up money to sponsor a movie at the Cleveland International Film Festival. He stood before the sold out theater, wearing a suit, and introduced himself as a "trial attorney" with the large law firm proud to be sponsoring the movie.

Now, I didn't mind the guy from the ACLU talking about the application of the tenets of the Nuremberg trials to the legal entanglements this country finds itself in because of the deprivation of civil rights and open trials of the prisoners in Guantanamo.

But I did mind the "trial attorney" droning on and on and on about how his large law firm was the one to call, especially for business needs. And as he went on and on and on in a monotone, I concluded that a jury would lose interest quickly and would not like the guy, just like me. He obviously never learned about voice modulation and pauses for effect or about cooking a hot dog with a nail stuck in each end hooked up to 110 volt current to maintain interest.

Thanks for sponsoring the movie -- better to trust that people will think you're cool for just doing that and hire you. Now, they won't.

Posted by Bill at April 2, 2011 12:57 PM