April 17, 2011

Donald Trump Was Not Born in United States

Donald Trump wants to run for President. I cannot find any evidence that Donald Trump was born in Queens or anywhere in the state of New York or the United States. I checked a number of records.

Stuffy Sternweiss started at 2nd base for the New York Yankees on June 14, 1946; but there is no Donald Trump birth announcement that I could find.

His mother, you know, was born in Scotland, not the United States of America. She came to the United States for a visit, according to Wikipedia, and ended up getting pregnant. I have relatives I claim are from Scotland. One of them knew a woman named Mary Anne McLeod; and he or she (I can't recall which relative I claim is from Scotland is the one who told me this fact) thought that Mary Anne McLeod gave birth to a son right after the war. It turns out that Mary Anne McLeod is Donald Trump's mother's name.

And Donald Trump has visited Scotland. In fact, he's building a freaking golf course there. What more proof does anyone need to understand that the man was not born in the United States, but in Scotland?

So, there you have it. Donald Trump was not born in the U.S.A.

He cannot be President of the United States -- William Wallace would roll over in his graves.

And it would be to my benefit if he were to be elected President because, in the interest of making full disclosure of the facts, I am, truth be told, actually related to Donald Trump.

His mother and my mother are both mothers.

Posted by Bill at April 17, 2011 10:18 PM

Excellent! God I hate looking at him and sure hope it's all a big joke that he would run...jeez

Posted by: tracy at April 17, 2011 10:39 PM

Really? This is too cool for words.

Posted by: Joel at April 18, 2011 08:07 PM



She will Save our Nation that our illegal
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Scialist President is destroying very fast

He was NOT born in the United States

Posted by: Rip Collins at April 22, 2011 04:19 AM

IMHO you've got the right ansewr!

Posted by: Dash at April 24, 2011 10:38 AM