August 03, 2011

Invisibility Cloak -- Finally!

I can't believe it! Finally! I was anticipating two things to happen in the future, which is no longer in the future, but now:

1. Flying cars. I have discussed in this blog several times my disappointment that there are no flying cars zipping around in the 21st Century. It was supposed to happen.

2. Invisibility.

Invisibility is here! Some pesky scientists have invented an invisibility cloak. Wear it, and nobody can see you. Finally!

But then I read the article instead of just the headline, something I don't ordinarily do. I normally rely on headlines, but maybe I shouldn't do that. Could the news people actually write headlines that are misleading? Maybe so.

I read the article -- in case you didn't -- and it turns out that the scientists claim that they can make an object the size of a red corpuscle invisible.

Imagine that. What the fuck? Red corpuscles are fucking invisible!

Dumb fuckers. Look, I will make the period at the end of this sentence invisible

It's invisible. See?

Who the fuck do these bozo's think they are dealing with? How much money did they spend to make something that is normally invisible invisible?

What the fuck. And they talk about lawyers ...

Posted by Bill at August 3, 2011 01:41 AM

The flying cars aren't up to much really, more like planes that move along the ground. They've only got 4 more years left

Posted by: Anji at August 3, 2011 08:33 AM

I'm such a geek that my corpuscles are encrypted, not invisible.

Posted by: Kyle at August 4, 2011 01:02 AM