February 18, 2012

Changing Lanes

Have the rules of driving changed?

I thought that if cars are parked on the left side of the street and I am driving on the right side of a two lane street, I have the right-of-way over cars that are pulling around those parked cars coming in the opposite direction. I have been forced to drive off the road to avoid getting hit head-on a couple times in the past few weeks.

What's the rule now? When did it change? And is this new rule in effect only in Lakewood, Ohio?

Posted by Bill at February 18, 2012 07:33 PM

Seems to me that if cars are parked blocking traffic, so that other cars have to pull out into oncoming traffic to go around them, that's a parking clusterf--k.

I'm glad you've been released from blogatory or blogivion, or wherever ... You've been missed. :-)

Posted by: Kyle at February 18, 2012 11:36 PM

I think that rule is international ... and it comes and goes.

Posted by: Anji at February 19, 2012 03:28 PM