March 28, 2012

Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon

The 35th Annual Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon will be run on May 20, 2012.

I have always wondered about the name. The race is the 35th annual Cleveland Marathon, but it started out as the Revco Cleveland Marathon -- Revco was a chain of drug stores -- and the runners headed west from downtown Cleveland through the western suburbs of Lakewood, Rocky River, and Bay Village, where they turned around near the house where Sam Sheppard's pregnant wife Marilyn was bludgeoned to death by a one-armed man. Sam Sheppard was convicted. The U.S. Supreme Court said that the trial was a circus and ordered a new trial. F. Lee Bailey represented Sheppard in the Supreme Court and in the new trial, winning an acquittal, became known nation-wide and began his rocky journey as a prominent criminal defense lawyer..

Whatever. I just wanted to use the word "bludgeoned," and that word didn't really fit into a post about the Cleveland Marathon -- but I figured out a way to do it.

The race, just like the original, is still 26 miles + 385 yards, but there are shorter races for those runners who are not total fucking lunatics. And the race doesn't go out near Sam Sheppard's house -- the house where Marilyn was bludgeoned (see, there you go -- twice!) was moved from its original location to Huntington Park in Bay Village -- the course is run entirely within the City of Cleveland.

Posted by Bill at 11:44 PM | Comments (0)

March 14, 2012

Cleveland National Air Show

The Cleveland National Air Show took home top honors at the International Council of Air Shows (ICAS) convention in Las Vegas. Cleveland was named the 2011 Show Site of Year by the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds and placed 1st for the Best Overall Air Show Marketing Plan in 2011.

The 2012 Cleveland National Air Show is, as has been the custom since 1964, on Labor day weekend; and the U.S. Navy Blue Angels will be screaming over our building for five days (two days of loud, low practice).

If you're in Cleveland on that weekend, join us for food and fun on our rooftop deck.

Posted by Bill at 10:54 PM | Comments (0)