Comments: Monday Moaning

Starbucks sucks soap. I went into one recently with my trusty laptop, and found I couldn't use their wi-fi unless I paid up the wazoo for access through t-mobile. A day pass - $10. Two bucks for a cup of joe and 10 bucks to check my farking e-mail. Damn capitalists.

Posted by Kyle at June 28, 2006 03:03 AM

there is a new starbucks in my neighborhood. i don't go there. it is so broken up with walls and little boothes and crap that it is like tiny leetle fucking phone booth coffee tables or something. I don't know what they were thinking. Now I realize that Stace isn't a wheel chair driving disabled, but if she were? ya'll wouldn't want to be hanging at this new starbucks in my neighborhood, i'm guessing. however, the wide open and lovely dunn? yeah. best coffee in town, too. ;)

Posted by Keri at July 3, 2006 12:08 AM
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