Comments: -1 F

Perhaps his head shrunk with the cold?

Posted by Anji at February 5, 2007 01:27 AM

I remember the frigid winter winds from Lake Erie in the winter. Having lived downtown Cleveland for 3 years,(14 years ago)I also remember the wind tunnels whipping throughout the alleyways by some of the buildings. I would feel as though they were going to sweep me up from my walks, and place me at an entirely different section of town. Oddly, we are feeling those frigid temperatures here in Southwest Virginia, while Lake Erie is far, far away.

A strange look I imagine --the look of the guy with the baseball cap over the hood of his hoodie.

Nothing ever pisses me off more than when someone is poking along, driving in front of me, and just as I start to pass, they speed up. It's like some kind of power game people play, I guess.

Posted by Trace at February 5, 2007 07:05 PM

Yeah, that's a pretty good clue to mental illness. Around here, the crazier street people wear their winter gear all year. The gangsters do too, and for the same reason.

Posted by Kyle at February 8, 2007 02:47 AM
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