Comments: "I Love My Country!!"

I wonder how they'll pronounce that when it gets dubbed into French

Posted by Anji at February 6, 2007 01:21 AM

I become so agitated every time I hear W. say that word!! Dammit, why can't someone work with him on that? I usually scream at my television, as if I could make him hear, the correct pronunciation of the word.

I really need to check out that program; and by the way, I like the word subterfuge. Always liked that word...

Posted by Trace at February 6, 2007 09:18 AM


I love Jack Bauer. I don't care how he says it. He's hot. ;)

and damn. or dang. or whatever.

Posted by Keri at February 6, 2007 05:00 PM

How come no one ever says noook-lar?

Posted by Joel at February 8, 2007 06:02 PM
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