Comments: Tabloids Today

Hell, if he ever gets wind of those alien training camps, he's going to start performing orifice examinations. Obviously anyone who has been probed is a loyal American and anyone who isn't is an alien or an alien sympathizer, right?

Posted by Joel at February 12, 2007 02:13 AM

I'm sure she was right, that the cookies were not worth the additional two cents the store proposed to overcharge. But she gave up several minutes of her infinitely finite life for two cents. So on a per-minute basis, what value does she assign to her life? Sad.

Posted by Kyle at February 12, 2007 04:07 AM

I see much symbolism in the "two cents".

Gee, Bill, I want to know what you eat for breakfast these days...your writing is terrific!

Posted by Cowtown Pattie at February 12, 2007 09:35 PM
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