This is frightening. And, very, very sad. Whenever I read such things, I spend time in wonder...I'm not certain there is an answer for rehabilitation for such pathological acts. Very sad.

Posted by Trace at February 21, 2007 12:10 AM

Oh jeebus. not what I wanted to read coming here. I hate this stuff. But it's out there. It's why I avoid the news and tv and newspapers and shit like the plague. Because I don't want to know that there are people walking around out there with the capability to do shit like this and then carry on in their lives like nothing happened. What snaps in their brains to allow this?

fuck is right. love love to you, Stace.

Posted by Keri at February 21, 2007 03:44 PM

News like this always blows my mind. It's hard to imagine not one in the group said this is wrong-stop. How horrific and evil.

Posted by Heather Z aka Iris at February 22, 2007 05:06 AM

As the mother of a 16 year old who doesn't always know what he's doing that really frightened me. I'll make him read that tonight and see what he thinks.

Posted by Anji at February 23, 2007 09:20 AM

We did talk about it, he's never done anything like that, but he has some horrible videos on his phone (though not of that). He says they do it because they are bored.

Posted by Anji at February 25, 2007 03:51 AM
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