I don't think you're being a bummer at all. I agree that young Britney needs someone strong in her life; someone who will not enable her. She has to make some decisions. I was talking to someone at work tonight about these young pop stars, and the lady mentioned to me that Britney has all the money in the world to get help and there are so many others who don't have that and still make it through. This is true; but having the money to get help won't make it so. I don't think that woman understood addiction.

*On a personal note Stace, I can only imagine what you guys have been through with your sweet son. I see you as remarkably strong; always did. Course, I am your sister ya'

Posted by Trace at February 23, 2007 12:10 AM

Britney, Anna Nicole, whatever -- I've been squeezing my eyes closed and stuffing my fingers in my ears.

You are not being a bummer.

she's got too many people around her saying that WHATEVER she does is perfectly fiiine.

Exactly. I try to generate compassion -- how can you become an adult if you are the big $$$$$$ breadwinner for all around you?

Posted by Liz at February 26, 2007 01:17 AM

In Britney's case the phrase "poor little rich girl" is really really true.

Posted by KathyHowe at March 1, 2007 07:54 PM
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