Comments: Papers! Show Me Your Papers!

This all frightens me so much. What I can't understand is, why, if so many people are agreeing in DC. and all over the country, that George W. and his funky administration has proven to be a complete failure, why I ask, is he still in business? Why? I just really need answers for my peace.

I can't believe folks are afraid to call for his impeachment...I suppose maybe it hasn't happened because we are in Iraq in the middle of their fucking civil war, and people are feeling Bush has them between a rock and a hard place. I wish I knew...

Posted by Trace at March 1, 2007 11:53 PM

We have to carry ID cards, but the only people who get stopped for random checks are 15 year olds who aren't legally required to have one anyway.

A police friend of ours helped out some young men with a broken down car one night (near to Paris). As routine required he checked out their driving licences. They were terrorists.

Posted by Anji at March 3, 2007 08:22 AM

Bill, check out .

That Bin Laden thing is funny. He's considered armed and dangerous? No shit. And they spelled his name Usama. Osama - the most common spelling in the media - isn't even listed as an alias.

Posted by Kyle at March 4, 2007 02:28 AM

The one man who has taken this from the free/brave land it once was IS dubya. Well, he couldn't have done it himself, of course. He and Cheney and Rumsfeld and others...

Posted by Keri at March 4, 2007 08:24 PM

Did you look at his vital stats? He's one tall dude. Hell, I could be him....maybe I am....could help account for some lost time....oh, right....I spend that sleeping.

Posted by Joel at March 5, 2007 02:48 AM
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