Comments: Tall Kitchen Trash Bags

WOW. I'm shopping there from now on. Or would if I had one around. I've never been able to find the infinite box of kitchen trash bags and it seems I'm always running out. Of course, I've never quite been able to get the size right, either. The tall size always seems a lot too big for the can and the medium size always seems a little too small but there isn't a size that's just right for the size can under the sink.

So what's up with that? Where's my physics experiment for that? Huh? Did you and Matt do one of those for me? (Hilarious, er - fabulously critical scientific work done there, btw. Well done!)

Posted by Keri at March 4, 2007 08:14 PM

It never fails when you want rid of something, it never seems to get used up.

Posted by Trace at March 5, 2007 12:56 AM

Bill, whatever you do, don't throw the orange box down the garbage vortex. When absolute something meets absolute nothing - poof - Cleveland winks out of existence. There are better places for that to happen.

Posted by Kyle at March 5, 2007 01:28 AM

Switzerland invaded Litchenstein? And how did Litchenstein react? With a giant canvas of a revolver that said "Bang!"?

Don't talk too much about the kitchen vortex or else the Department of Homeland Insecurity will pay you a visit and hold your trashcan incommunicado at a Charleston, SC navel-gazing base.

Posted by Joel at March 5, 2007 02:46 AM

Do you watch Lost? Maybe the orange box is from the Dharma Initiative...

Posted by Heather Z at March 6, 2007 03:46 AM

Lichtenstein to Costco garbage bags...


Such talent!

But, I would tweak the last part a bit, ala Serling style.

"Move the last sentence to its own paragraph and italicize for eerie emphasis. Adding faint strains of the Twilight Zone as musical accompaniment would be the cherry on top!

There's no number on the box.
"doo dee doo do, doo dee doo do"

Posted by Cowtown Pattie at March 6, 2007 03:37 PM

How big is the box and how many carried it from Costco?

I thought that the Swiss army were busy guarding the Pope.

Posted by Anji at March 8, 2007 07:42 AM
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