Comments: The Annual Spring Contest with Prizes

I know nothing about the Mac computer. In fact, I recently asked Stacey some questions concerning the differences between a Mac and PC.

I do believe my answer has to be the correct one, however. I'm gonna'(oops, bad grammar) say, the correct answer is: (drum roll please) "Tools and Reference" It seems to me the vise is to be considered a "tool" of sorts, and surely the word "reference" speaks for itself.

I know I'm not gonna'(oops again) win the prize or anything, but the pen and ink items from Levenger look really nice.

Posted by Trace at March 11, 2007 11:20 PM

I was going to say "both" because I know how you are with things electrical and if you somehow lost either "shopping or " tools and reference" you'd still have it bookmarked somewhere.

I'll choose "tools and reference" then Stacy will be alerted to the potential danger.

Posted by Anji at March 12, 2007 02:01 AM

Don't think so much. Put it under Shopping.

Why should you not think so much: because it is a pathetic rot of time and you would do better to scrape together the money to buy the darned thing.

Why thinking can be a pathetic rot of time: Have you never heard the story of the milkmaid and her milk?

Where can you find more information on milkmaid and milk: I did a search on this and, surprisingly, came up with no adult web sites. You could go to this site ( and see about buying yourself some milk bottles but then you'd find yourself facing yet another dilemna about where to put the bookmark. And yet, in all this thinking, did you realize that you have, in effect, already bookmarked your purchase-to-come in a memorable, easily found place? There's absolutely no need to put it in either Shopping or Tools because you have blogged about it!

And look what all this thinking produced en passant: rot.

Posted by Joel at March 13, 2007 02:30 AM

Sorry, Bill, but both is the right answer. I'll explain. If you use Google Bookmarks (if that's possible with a Mac) instead of the browser's bookmarks, you can Label your stuff with multiple Labels, instead of using Folders. Sorry, guess I can't win the Cool Prize, but I'm thinking outside the box here. :o)

Posted by Kyle at March 14, 2007 03:14 AM

I should begin with thanks to you for this website, which is a beacon to the benighted and a snarkfest for the initiated. But even moreso, the offer of exciting and lucrative prizes puts the sizzle on the steak, assuming one enjoys steak, because sizzles are universally beloved.

Turning to the substance of your sizzle, whither goest the dremelvise? Some would tell you that it's a tool and a resource so that's where it would be happiest, but keep in mind whose category this is. No normal natural-born person created this category; it's the invention of Applicious geeknerds. They say "command button," too - as if the other buttons don't give commands? The IPOD has a "menu" key - but can you order a pizza, or even a refreshing beverage? NO. They lard their written output with cyberspeak and gobbledigook. And when they speak of "tools and resources," they are speaking cybernetically; they are referring to *computer* tools and *computing* resources. Just as MS-Access has its "toolbox" of "tools" for messing up your database, the Jobbsians expect you to search on-line for computer crap, but didn't want to call it that in the auto-bookmark-categorization in Safari. SO: If it's not computer-related, it's not a tool or resource. Deductive proof: do they have a section for housewares? Clothes? Automobiles? Unless every kind of purchase is broken out in its own category, "tools" means "software/etc" and "shopping" means everything else.


I will take my prize in Danny Boy's Pizza. And may fortune smile on each of us, in our turn. But me first.

Posted by dan at March 14, 2007 06:03 PM

okay, it's "reference" instead of "resource" - I think that only confirms my theory. Who shops for "reference?" Aren't all bookmarks "reference" materials? No, this time it means "information to help you compute and code more effectively," like HTML guides and on-line fonts and such. "Refer" to these and enjoy your MAC experience more fully. All else is just shopping. And thus is our entire economic underpinning tragically downgraded to a hobby.

Posted by dan at March 14, 2007 06:08 PM

Nyet, the correct answer is "neither".

Everyone knows a "vise" goes under da column labeled "Edel"

Posted by Cowtown Pattie at March 15, 2007 11:50 PM
MT::App::Comments=HASH(0x556c8f409fe0) Subroutine MT::Blog::SUPER::site_url redefined at /home/nothingb/public_html/cgi-bin/mt/lib/MT/ line 125.