Comments: 20/20

Someone told me of a guy who had a glass eye that he used to clean by popping it into his mouth.

Glad to hear that your surgery was successful.

Posted by Joel at May 15, 2007 03:39 AM

great story -- congrats on the success of the surgery.

Posted by christine at May 15, 2007 07:29 AM

Too scary yet for me.

I am not sure your burning ant story helped either...

Posted by Cowtown Pattie at May 15, 2007 10:43 PM

I guess that means you won't be getting trifocs at the ridiculously early age of 50 something-or-other so you can see the damned speedometer, will you?

Posted by vicki at May 16, 2007 09:21 AM

Fabulous. As you can see, I scroll down and read 'em as you post 'em. And comment as I do. heh.

I wasn't going to tell you prior to your surgery about my SIL's experience. I hate when people do that. She went in for this. And they began the first one putting that same ontraption on the eye to hold it, started making the cuts, and then the mechanical contraption popped off her eye somehow. It wouldn't hold. So they had to stop cutting - obviously - it was whatever was holding the is it the cornea? off the eyeball, flipped open or whatever... And they had to get it hooked back up and cut at a different angle. Make a different series of cuts after a different series of measurements. OY! and then? Disaster. They contraption let loose AGAIN!

And so? After two series of cuts, they had to throw in the towel. One eye cut up and they put a patch on and sent her home. "We're sorry..."


Nobody's touching my eyes.

Posted by Keri at May 17, 2007 02:12 AM

It's the burning smell that warns me off. Burning body parts = bad.

Glad you survived with all most of your body parts still working!

Posted by lucy at May 17, 2007 03:50 PM

Congrats on surviving the eye-frying procedure, Bill. Now you can keep both eyes on the judge, make sure he's not slipping into a valium nap of his own.

Did you test the pH of the fish tank before you dosed it with phenolphthalein? And speaking of fried things, were there any fishy casualties?

Posted by Kyle at May 18, 2007 03:30 PM
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