So great to hear this good news about Jackson. The minute you said he reported in that he'd be staying my first thought was - girl friend! Anyway, lovely to hear that he is doing well. REALLY lovely. Good for him! Good for you!

And it gives me hope for tomorrow... If you know what I mean. (holds breath about there actually BEING an empty nest someday... as much as I adore my beautiful daughter...)

Posted by Keri at June 26, 2007 09:51 PM

I am so proud of Jackson!

Posted by -d at June 30, 2007 09:53 AM

Empty nest?? I'm sticking my fingers in my ears...lalalalalala.... Big one flew the coop for the summer to go to college and I'm missing him terribly- I can't imagine EVERYBODY gone!

Posted by lucy at July 1, 2007 12:57 AM

Great news about Jackson. I feel as long as they are happy it doesn't matter how far away they are.

Posted by Anji at July 4, 2007 09:31 AM
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