Comments: HI THERE, WORLD!

Big? BIG? ...

you have every reason to be proud!

Posted by -d at August 19, 2007 03:24 PM

I am very glad, as always, to hear that all is well.

Posted by Trace at August 19, 2007 10:35 PM

Go, Jackson, Go!

You and Bill DEFINITELY (NOTE: CORRECT US SPELLING) did MANY things right!

...and if it is your 35th high school reunion, you probably are getting...older... ;-)

Posted by lucy at August 20, 2007 12:01 AM

What wonderful news for you all. Somehow our word checker prefers US to UK it's amazing how different our languages are!

Posted by Anji at August 20, 2007 12:54 PM

ROCK ON, Jackson! I'm so HAPPY to hear he is doing so very well!

But I'm really not surprised. I want to know more about this big music news! But I'll wait patiently. I'm sure it will be coming along some time. Momma will let us know when the time is right. RIGHT? ;)

Posted by Keri at August 20, 2007 11:28 PM

wow. i'm so happy for this past year in his life. i'm sorry for your broken arm... please take care of it and you.

and no napalm making. none. no.

well. okay maybe a little.

Posted by christine at August 21, 2007 08:24 PM

What a wonderful post to read today! This all makes me so happy...I am all teary.

What a lucky woman you are. Your family is so lucky to have you. Hugs to you all.

Posted by moonandsun03 at August 22, 2007 05:53 PM

Many congrats to Jackson and all your gang. Can't wait to get an update on Jax's big musical news. Tell him not to forget his virtual aunties!

Broke my collar bone in two places once = in a car wreck. I was sitting in the backseat, got knocked forward between the bucket seats, and Voila! Karate chop to both sides. Hurt like a mother bitch.

Hope you are mending good so you can send us photos of your first scooter adventure!

Posted by Cowtown Pattie at August 27, 2007 01:23 PM
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