Comments: Nail-Biting Trip

Bill, I know an obsessive compulsive who cannot stop filing her nails and biting them. She has reduced them to tiny shells afloat in a sea of bleeding skin.

Are you that bad?

(Quitters, Inc. was part of the film Cats Eye. Did you see it?)

Posted by Joel at September 11, 2007 02:14 AM

I've got a few old mouth guards I can donate to the cause.

The real question here is: why are YOU still storing those hockey bags???

Posted by lucy at September 11, 2007 01:03 PM

You could have your teeth removed.

I bite at the skin around my nails.

Posted by Anji at September 12, 2007 05:10 AM

I have mutilated the cuticles around my nails off and on through the years, and yet never had the habit of biting my nails. My excuse has always been that whenever I tried to bite my nails, it hurt my teeth--heh. Like what difference in pain was there for me between hurting my teeth, and mutilating my cuticles--true ocd. reasoning there with me--gah.

Posted by Trace at September 12, 2007 03:03 PM

Fabulous. I wonder if this is the King story in the collection of ss's I'm about to start. There is at least one of his found within. The last of the books I'm to read in my challenge. Yeah.

Stop biting your nails. There. Did that help? I bet it did. I bet SOMETHING did. You know what I mean. mwahahahaha.

Posted by Keri at September 12, 2007 10:53 PM

Have you ever tasted Bitter Apple Spray? We used it for our dog when he was a pup so he wouldn't chew on things. A few times I mistakenly got a taste of it and it's awful. If I were you, I'd get some and spray it on my fingertips. Believe me, it would deter you from putting them in your mouth and it would cost less than $10.

Posted by Vito at September 13, 2007 02:48 PM
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