Comments: Flying Cars

I'm not seeing a lot of options. For that price, I'd think you would get some options. A custom paint job, etc.

I want white. Easier to see when people are doing the google search of the desert for parts after the disappearance.

Posted by Keri at September 25, 2007 11:11 PM

You could be in BIG trouble if you run out of gas on that one!

Posted by -d at September 25, 2007 11:20 PM

Red's a terrible color. Cops like to ticket red cars and insurance companies like to impose high rates on them.

This will surely change the drive from LaLa Land to Vegas! And in crossing Kansas, it is a must.

Posted by Joel at September 26, 2007 12:25 AM

I'm with you on this-I'll wait & get a leftover-maybe only be a half mil by then.

Posted by Heather Z at September 26, 2007 06:48 AM

I'm with you on thos one-I'll even wait for a leftover...

Posted by Heather Z at September 26, 2007 06:50 AM

It's not exactly a Delorean, is it?

Happy Birthday to Jackson!

Posted by Anji at September 26, 2007 07:48 AM

at that price, i'll take TWO!

Posted by tj at September 26, 2007 09:53 AM

You think they're gonna fold up into a briefcase?

Posted by Vicki at September 26, 2007 12:25 PM

I'm afraid it's too late. It was about fucking time a long time ago, before I got a finely tuned sense of mortality. Too late for a personal mini sub, too. Had my heart set on blue for the flying car, yellow for the sub. ... Alas.

Posted by Kyle at September 30, 2007 03:39 AM
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