Comments: De-Evolution, Part II

I'm trying to figure out how to WEAR a wife-beater?

Posted by Anji at September 27, 2007 06:27 AM

Laughing at Anji's comment. :) Keith went to a store in Los Alamos looking to purchase said garment a while back, not knowing they had a nickname as such. When the teens working behind the counter finally realized what he wanted stopped snapping their gum and recognition dawned in their eyes at the same time they looked at each other and exclaimed "BEATERS!" The girl then pointed them out to him. heh.

Hope you get your wish for some window coverings soon. :)

Posted by Keri at September 27, 2007 12:18 PM

I agree, I can't imagine what remodeling the management of the place could be deciding to do; or why they would care for that matter.

Posted by Trace at October 3, 2007 11:54 PM
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