Comments: Say It Enough, and It Must Be Grammatically Correct

You had me at "Levenger 3x5 cards".

Posted by lucy at October 18, 2007 07:00 PM

Was he a Eunique?

Posted by Joel at October 19, 2007 02:06 AM

How unique.

Posted by Anji at October 19, 2007 10:10 AM

there are judges in CA who are so opposed to the penclicking that bailiffs actually pass out clickless pens before court is in session. As for the exceptionally unique quality of the uniquitude of the instant case's uniqueness, I refer you to Unique v Uni-que, which provides us this dictum: It's all unique till someone else does it.

Posted by dan at October 19, 2007 08:20 PM
MT::App::Comments=HASH(0x55d2a2700840) Subroutine MT::Blog::SUPER::site_url redefined at /home/nothingb/public_html/cgi-bin/mt/lib/MT/ line 125.