Excellent reply. I might add, "Quit yer bitchin'." ;)
I wonder if the mourning period has been long enough to add ice cream sandwiches back into our diet?
Keith used to share the occasional (okay, every time he ate one) with Bear, the dog. And he seriously could NOT eat them again after Bear went away. Because it was far too painful. That was a favorite time of day for him, especially when Bear was ill and having trouble eating just about everything. He could always eat the ice cream sammiches. *sigh*
Posted by Keri at October 24, 2007 12:53 PMWhy are we talking about ice cream sandwiches in October? You don't live in California.
Posted by Joel at October 24, 2007 11:16 PMMy husband tells me to take a nap from time to time as well...I usually need one.
This is off the mark from the traditional ice cream sandwich, but I enjoyed an "Andes Thin Mint" ice cream sandwich yesterday; compliments of Hershey's ice cream. If you guys like creamy mint flavored ice cream, you'd love these suckers! The mint and chocolate cak-y wafers are excellent. On the other hand, if ya' don't like the mint-y ice cream, I, uuum, am sorry to have mentioned it :)
::giggles wildly::
Thanks a lot. I haven't had breakfast, but now I simply must go get an ice cream sandwich. You described it so well...
Posted by moonandsun03 at October 26, 2007 01:05 PM"because I understand something about the division of labor and to shut up and do what I'm told to do" Stacey has you so well trained.
She sounds so like Rob is with chewing gum.
Posted by Anji at October 28, 2007 10:19 AMpffffft.
Posted by stacey at October 28, 2007 08:05 PM