Comments: Let's Kill All the Lawyers

Funny how people forget when they have a world of protection around them that it is our nation of laws that keeps them sleeping easy at night.

Sometimes I think we should cordon off a section of the earth, say in Siberia or the northern part of Canada, and let them have what they want -- a nation without the protections of government.

Let's see how long they last as more and more people pour into the mix.

Posted by Joel at November 6, 2007 05:21 PM

Yeah, Bush and his so-called plans for democracy in Iraq must not be meant for the folks in Pakistan; or us for that matter. He's so full of shit!

Posted by tracy at November 6, 2007 06:47 PM

Should we start working on a new name for US?
The Soviet States of Amerika
Maybe just New Mexicorp

Posted by Kyle at November 10, 2007 02:21 AM
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