Comments: Told You So

What a story about that kid. You really give some food for thought here..

Posted by tracy at November 27, 2007 07:05 AM

How many other poeple got chopped up for donating because of the 'faulty equipment'?

Posted by Anji at November 27, 2007 11:54 AM

So... what I'm hearing here is that you don't agree with a signing a living will and this is advice from a lawyer but not legal advice....


I say... "Pull the plug, I hate hospitals!" So I did sign one!


Posted by -d at November 27, 2007 09:43 PM

I still have to prepare my Advance Directive -- when you suffer from mental illness, you need to have those things lest the staff persuades a relative to fire up the jumper cables and give you a healthy jolt.

Posted by Joel at November 28, 2007 04:07 PM

I lean toward the side of hope as well...ya just never know.

Posted by Heather Z at November 30, 2007 02:00 PM
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