Comments: Ahh, Dude ... Fixing Elections

I think it depends on how you define successful. If you mean picking up an election and walking off with it, in plain sight, while the whole world watches because they know you can't be beaten in court, then 2004 jumps to mind. Countless Diebold machines were fixed, especially in Ohio and Florida. It was like SEP, a sort of cloaking device described by Douglas Adams in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. He said you could park a huge spaceship next to a football field, and nobody could see it because they all assumed it was Somebody Else's Problem.

Posted by Squelch at December 15, 2007 02:00 PM

I'll choose Chicago-style dishonesty over Ohio-style any day of the week.

It's just so much more upfront.

Posted by lucy at December 17, 2007 08:31 AM

Would living in the EU be any better, ya think?

Posted by Joel at December 18, 2007 09:04 PM
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