Comments: It's Time for Science!

Hey Bill, thanks for the science! There must be a good joke about the other white meat in the porkchop bit, but it's eluding me at the moment. My eyes are stinging from a brief glimpse of that guy's mug shot. A face only a mother could love? I'm skeptical.

Posted by Kyle at January 5, 2008 12:11 AM

$4.95 to see if I am juicing my roundworms????? I'm too cheap to pay and too neurotic to forget about it. Thank you Mr. Science Man, you have provided me with many future sleepless nights of roundworm paranoia, many mornings of checking for spaghetti and hours of scanning my eyeballs for squigglies. Thank you kindly, sir.

Posted by Vicki at January 5, 2008 11:06 AM

Well, I've been on prozac 15+ years, and though I should have been living a low-calorie lifestyle, I was not all these years; so, I suppose it's pretty safe to say if the worms were there to start, my food intake not inhibited by the prozac, has surely killed them off. The downside of all that I suppose, is that I may not live as long.
I know nothing of the aquababies frogs, but it does seem as though Stacey's is up for a long life.
Oh, and I so remember all the hogwash about P&G being satanists--heh. Wasn't that like back in the early 80s or so? Damned religious nutcases!

Posted by tracy at January 5, 2008 11:34 PM

There is a lot to think about there. Our local frogs don't have the same chance in life as Freddie - we often find them squashed in the road.

I was trying to remember the names of Rowf and Snitter just the other day. I wonder what happened to the book....

Posted by Anji at January 9, 2008 05:50 AM
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