JAX is coming home? WOW! Good luck to him and Good luck to you! I'm sure it will be nice to have the kids in the same state!

Posted by -d at January 6, 2008 11:53 PM

Very cool post Stace.

I am very fortunate to have a husband who is laid back and easy going; I would have never married a man who made demands on me.
Sam and I do well together mostly. Our schedules are very different from your life there at the loft; however, I have lots of "up til' 4am" evenings. Lots of freedom for which I am grateful for so many reasons..
Glad to hear Jackson is coming back to Cleveland. Cool to think of how your relationship will go...being neighbors and all :)
I am always so happy to read your posts. Love the way you write; makes me feel as though I am sitting right there with ya'

Posted by tracy at January 7, 2008 01:28 AM

"i don't measure the results -- i measure the efforts."

I like this...we've found ourselves with the empty nest fairly recently and along with it our daughter has found some difficulties figuring out how to cope. I keep thinking I've failed in what I've done while "raising" her. Your sentence however, makes me feel better. She is trying very hard and that takes great effort. Perhaps I didn't do such a bad job at all.

Posted by daisy at January 7, 2008 02:36 PM

What a wonderful post. we're nearly at that place too. The mealtime thing gets me down at the moment, I've got more interesting things to do than eat regular meals. I'm so pleased for you that Jackson is sorting himself out.

I like turtles too but elephants are my favourite!

Posted by Anji at January 9, 2008 01:56 AM

I recently found out that Christian's Psychiatrist labelled us as a disfonctional family.!

Posted by Anji at January 9, 2008 02:01 AM

Damn, Stace. I just love the way you right. And more than that I love WHAT you write. You should write a book on parenting. Your thoughts and perspective are so refreshing!!!!

Posted by KathyHowe at January 9, 2008 09:20 AM

Expecting our 3rd child at this time makes me wonder if we'll ever have an "empty nest" or at least wonder if we'll be needing canes by the time the kids fly the coop (we started a little late in life) but I adore being a mom so it outweighs the fact I rarely complete a thought-well put Stacey!

Posted by Heather Z at January 9, 2008 11:37 AM

Back to visit with an afterthought on my empty nest. I had a bit of difficulty with the empty nest thing at first; because Victoria was not with us from birth, I suppose. Too little time on every count...
However, Sam and I are doing well together, and quite enjoy the time. Also, Victoria is in touch again, as she continues to find her way. We know our efforts with her and for her are really what matters most, and I love the way you stated the fact. We see a different girl now however, than the first day Vic came to our lives. For this, I am most grateful.

Posted by tracy at January 9, 2008 07:23 PM

is the "i like turtles" thing from Opie & Anthony? They play that drop alllllllll the time. That and "I like to make werewolf movies!" and i almost crash the car when they do it.

my daughter will be 16 this summer. it seems unreal. i don't know what life will be like when they're both gone and out of my house. i'll miss them. horribly.

sigh. just thinking about it...

Posted by christine at January 23, 2008 08:47 PM

yt1KLa hi great site thanks

Posted by bob at April 6, 2008 06:32 PM

What a wonderful post. we're nearly at that place too. The mealtime thing gets me down at the moment, I've got more interesting things to do than eat regular meals.

Posted by golf malaga at April 15, 2008 08:41 AM
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