Do you suppose, when they get to Paradise, that in lieu of virgins they get the truth about why they died?
Posted by Kyle at January 30, 2008 03:25 PM'The state of the union' always makes me wonder how tidy it is - but I am a foreigner
Posted by Anji at January 31, 2008 03:25 PMOh god. This last state of the union was his worst by far, I believe. I think I liked the one right before this the best; if there could be such a thing as his best. He gave absolutely no hope to anyone in that address. Pitiful excuse for a president, he is...
Posted by tracy at February 1, 2008 10:42 PMI don't or I should say my husband (the head of remote controlling in the house) doesn't watch the state of the union. Sad to see all those names. I keep looking for some hope that some good has or willl come of this in articles I read but there isn't any REAL hope to be found. HAte to think all those lives are lost in vain.
Posted by Heather Z at February 5, 2008 03:32 PM