Comments: Car Wash Blues

Oh my god. Then what did you do? Can we know the rest of the story?

We have those crazy-named choices for cleaning cars here with all the lights and glamour; except for one thing...the vacuums don't suck. At least not as they should. I can so relate to the freezing fingers thing at the car wash as well..and I somehow choose to go on those days.

Posted by tracy at February 7, 2008 12:08 PM

I try to avoid car cleaning moments. Olivier will move things around inside the car for a fee.

I'm amazed that it wasn't until you got to the end that you had the problem.

Posted by Anji at February 8, 2008 04:42 PM

You guys need a nice southern California vacation, with a spiffy little rental car. It's 75 degrees in the sun here.

Posted by Kyle at February 9, 2008 07:27 PM

It hit 70 here last week and all I did was THINK about cleaning out my car-the thought passed quickly. I view a messy car as an anti theft device-NO ONE in their right mind would think anything of value is in my mess. Thanks for the laugh though-I assume since you wrote the post you somehow made it safely home.

Posted by Heather Z at February 10, 2008 01:22 AM
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