Comments: Lunar Eclipse

I didn't see it last night, but this morning I got out an old video of one I had taken back in 1992. I wish I had a tripod then. Sounds like you had a nice evening.

Posted by Vito at February 21, 2008 04:29 PM

Very cool-I had no idea it was happening. My brother used to show me all kinds of really cool things through his super caduper huge telescope. I was just saying to my husband how very aware everyone used to be of the space shuttle going up and down etc etc-they used to stop class and turn on the TV so we could see history happening. Now-a-days have no idea when it is launching.

Posted by Heather Z at February 24, 2008 01:50 AM

I don't think we had it over here. Home schooling sounds a great way to educate parents.

Posted by Anji at February 25, 2008 12:22 PM

smiling my BUTT off reading your homeschooling reminiscences. Keith and I were also chatting about lying on the old deck in the woods in our snow pants with Keli whining in the house at us that it was too cold while we were looking for meteors during showers. Or taking her new telescope out into the field (the one she'd been saving for YEARS to buy - it was a beauty!) that we finally went halves on to help her with and heading off that first frigidly cold winter night that we saw Saturn's rings...

We were texting back and forth with our OWN now adult when it started. I know just how you felt.

Posted by Keri at February 28, 2008 08:00 PM

I was never more moved with one's reflection of the night sky, than I am to read this here.

Posted by tracy at March 3, 2008 02:42 AM
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