Comments: Clapton

Sounds like a great show with RR and EC! I have very bad arthritis in my knees and can't stand in one place long because of it. I hate paying a lot of money for good seats, only to end up behind people who want to stand for the entire show.

Posted by Vito at June 3, 2008 03:03 PM

Lovin' Clapton!!

Last time I was at the Blossom, I was 12 years old, with my mother; and we'd invited Patti Jo to see Paul Anka...a thousand or so years ago. PJ. was nervous about being bored with the whole experience; but said many times since, that she loved Anka after that evening.

Posted by tracy at June 4, 2008 02:49 AM

Clapton... does he play music or something?


Posted by -d at June 4, 2008 04:27 PM
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