Comments: MN

Dinner last night was amazing. Meeting both of you was much fun. Your visit to the great Up Nort didn't last nearly long enough for me. Sorry we had other things going on and didn't get to spend more time with you. Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to meet up for dinner and conversation. Love to you both and safe journey back. Behave. ;-)

Posted by Keri at June 22, 2008 01:10 PM

Wow. Now that I've looked up Ed's Museum, I think I might have to trek that way too. What a character. :)

Posted by Keri at June 22, 2008 01:15 PM

Yeah but is Ed as much fun as the Howe children!?!?!?

LOVED LOVED LOVED having you both in town this weekend! Can't wait to catch up with you live and in person again!

Posted by KathyHowe at June 22, 2008 06:11 PM
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