Do you know to this day.... i still can't pee in a handcapped stall... even in my office which is a secure building with five stales and only three women in the whole building!
I'm scared to death that you'll find out and wack me!
And don't get me started on the handicapped parking thing... my father will drop my mother at the door and not park in the handicapped space because HE can walk to the building.
However, I don't think he does this because he's scared of you!
you crack me up, dana. :-)
Posted by stacey at July 12, 2008 07:57 PMYou would love the way our handicapped spaces are left free here.
At the gaypride celebrations in London recently the transexual women were ordred to use the handicapped toilets unless they had their gender certificates on them. When I found this out I wondered what you would have said about that!
Posted by Anji at July 13, 2008 12:53 PM