I'm apparently surrounded by red people who's only concern is their money...at my mom's on Sunday my B.I.L. was ripping Obama because, and this is verbatim, "the first thing he'll do is raise the Capital Gains Tax."
John works with people who constantly whine that he'll reinstate the Death Tax.
For some reason, I'm not concerned about those two things at all. Sounds like a fine idea to me.
Posted by Vicki at August 12, 2008 02:12 PMI just can't wait to meet you and Bill! It's like meeting my long lost cousins, except even better, I think. From a long distance I've seen one boy get married and get educated, another boy graduate from the Eric Clapton Homeschooling option (or whatever hilarious name you had for it), and change his life.
Ironic that I have never used a handicapped stall since your post years ago, and now I have a handicap placard for my car, etc. I still won't use the stall, because I don't need the extra space. You taught me well!
See you soon!
Posted by moonandsun at August 12, 2008 08:00 PMYou can't see me right now, but I'm standing, applauding, cheering and shouting, "yer DAMN right, Stace! HELL yeah!"
(and that's hard to do when typing this at the same time... ignorant republican crybabies...)
Oh, and I'm sorry to hear about Freddie. :( RIP, Freddie.
Have a great trip!
Posted by Keri at August 13, 2008 01:49 AMYeah yeah ... edwards... crappy husband... yeah yeah.... let's move on to the important stuff at hand....
ummm, it seems that the democrats at least prefer women. Kennedy, Hart, Edwards.... The GOP's, on the other hand, with all of their moral highground seem to prefer airport bathrooms and young boys the republican evangelicals are closet queens too.
Not that there's anything wrong with that....
A righteous post, sistah. Yes, you said my mind precisely. Including all the "f" bombs!
You're fierce!
Posted by Cowtown Pattie at August 18, 2008 09:48 PMI can't or won'r comment on the politics because I just don't have the energy.
Hope your trip goes well or went well?? I forget when you said it si or was...anyway really want to say am putting your frien that is fighting cancer on my mental "good thoughts and prayers" list!