Comments: San Francisco

You are in one of my most favorite cities in the world! (Noting, of course that my wordly travels have been forceful confined to the Americas)


Posted by -d at August 20, 2008 07:52 AM

the pleasure, I assure you, was entirely mutual. Kel now admits that I have met some truly wonderful people on line and that neither of you are creepy aging momma's boys living on Fritos in basements and defrauding the world with false identities. In other words, good work on the identity thing. Your retelling of the Mason Street plunge is hilarious. I do hope the rest of your trip continues to entertain and delight you as you entertained and delighted us.

Posted by dan at August 20, 2008 11:50 AM

You're staying at the Mark Hopkins? Sweet. Dude, for a newcomer to our state, you came with good taste. I don't drink, but I've heard the martinis are great. Take those driver's jitters right out of ya. And you're seeing Haight Ashbury, right? I mean, you've never stepped over a bum passed out on the sidewalk until you've stepped over a bum passed out in the Haight.

Posted by Kyle at August 21, 2008 01:24 AM
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