
Posted by lucy at September 11, 2008 03:04 PM

Oh how I wish I lived closer to you and Bill! You really must be long lost relatives of mine.

I really wish my daughter had a chance to meet you both. She would love to be having these discussions with you. Intro to Political Studies is her favorite class this year...what a semester to have it in! She really wants people to talk to about all of this.

Love to you both.

Posted by moonandsun03 at September 11, 2008 04:45 PM

Hells, yeah Stace.

Hopefully not treading on any toes here--this epiphany came to me yesterday whilst down at my Mom's listening to my B-I-L berate's the subliminal messages embeded in the NASCAR broadcasts that's changed the working class to whatever they have become. I'll continue my research, but I'm pretty sure that's what it is.

Posted by Vicki at September 11, 2008 05:00 PM

OMG, Stacey, you are such a brilliant woman with so many things to say and such a wonderful way of saying it. You need to be saying it louder than you are. More people should be hearing you.

Posted by Keri at September 11, 2008 09:47 PM

Excellent post Stace!

Posted by tracy at September 11, 2008 11:30 PM a parent of children going to a language immersion school I could KISS YOU!

Hell...I haven't even read the entire post yet OR watched the video. I got about four paragraphs into this and couldn't resist commenting. I might have more to say after the video and reading the post in full though! LOL

Posted by KathyHowe at September 12, 2008 12:26 PM

OK...after reading this in full let me tell you this is one of MANY reasons why I like you so damn much! You are right on all the way, word for word in this entire post.

I have elected to put my kids into a language immersion school and that doesn't make me anti-america it makes me PRO WORLD. I had a student teacher from Colombia live with me last year and he has better English skills (spoken and written) than I do and English is not his first language. In fact he speaks, reads, writes FOUR languages. He could run this country with both of his hands behind his back and blind-folded.

Don't get me started....


Posted by KathyHowe at September 12, 2008 12:33 PM
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