I agree 100%! I liked McCain in 2000. I was excited to hear he was running and thought for a moment that this election might just be worth the choice....

It is going to be a long night and I plan to sit up through the whole thing. I'm excited because Indiana is literally a 50/50 split... I'm hoping it swings our way!

Posted by -d at November 4, 2008 10:22 AM

This is where I'm sitting, too. Absolutely and positively terrified that it might turn out to be a day of sheer horror that too many Americans have bought into that line of bull.

I had dreams all night that it was a landslide for Obama. An absolute embarrassment for McCain with numbers that had him nearly hiding. But I am still afraid. It was just a dream, after all...

Posted by Keri at November 4, 2008 11:37 AM

I tossed and turned until 3:00 this morning...angry that the very people who say they know God, should then also know that God does not author fear and confusion. And, these are the very people who are authoring fear and confusion into the hearts and minds of so many. I mean IF the so-called Christian people of our country really believe their bibles...that message is in there for them, clearly.

I am worn out; angered; sad; nervous and excited all rolled into one.

Posted by tracy at November 4, 2008 03:47 PM

As an afterthought Stace, in my questions or concerns about Obama way back, I never once, not one time even considered that the man might have dealings with terrorists. That is just ludicrous; and I am so sorry that your friend believes the bull. As I live and breath, I hope he has the opportunity to prove the fearmongers wrong.

Your writing of him here is eloquent and lovely.

Miss you...

Posted by tracy at November 4, 2008 07:05 PM
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