Did you order the stuff from Ikea?!?!?!?
Posted by KathyHowe at December 16, 2008 11:57 AMBut remodels are so much fun! :) I don't care when they take place. FUN! heh.
Posted by Keri at December 18, 2008 12:01 AMHi Stace ~
I know things will be together and lovely for your Christmas Eve dinner. When you mentioned your prime rib roast in your last entry, it reminded me of a couple Christmas Eve evenings I spent at your house when you served standing rib roast...beautiful memories also of the times when you had an open house with friends and neighbors at your house that was out a ways; very warm and lovely. I remember so many good things about those Christmases.
Posted by tracy at December 18, 2008 01:09 AM