Comments: At the Movies

John and I went to the 4:00 matinee yesterday to see the Benjamin Button. I can't remember any quotes so I guess there wasn't a stupid is as stupid does or those look like comfortable shoes. Mostly all I can remember is my butt hurt like hell about 15 (could've been 30) minutes before the end.

Posted by Vicki at December 28, 2008 04:20 PM

That's what I heard about it. looooong. You didn't give us the grade for that one. Which did you see? Any? None?

HBB and I keep talking about going to see a movie. And then we don't. But we laughed our butts off watching MST3K's covering of Laserblast (if we didn't have a more comfortable viewing experience at home perhaps we'd find a theater more appealing).

Posted by Keri at December 29, 2008 04:54 PM
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