Comments: FACETIME

You know what I love about Facebook? It is the fact that only people on my friend list can see what I write there. After years of blogging very publicly on Kazoofus, this is a nice change of pace.

Posted by KathyHowe at January 8, 2009 12:37 PM

I did that, too. The gmail thing and clicked to send it to the shitload of people whether I knew them or not thing... (what were they doing in my contacts, anyway???) What's funny to me is how many of them are adding me MONTHS after the fact. And now I'm trying to figure out who the hell THEY are and why they are adding ME when i was the one to add them in the first place. LOL. Crazy.

Posted by Keri at January 8, 2009 04:02 PM

i totally agree with that, kath!

Posted by stacey Lang at January 9, 2009 11:02 AM

and i love that you're my facebook friend too.

Posted by christine at January 9, 2009 03:35 PM
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