I think several of us have all been stumbling upon the same ideas here. And Stacey, I did this exact same thing very recently with the gmail thing. It's so surprising to get responses to invitations weeks later and think, "Huh? When and why did I invite this person I don't even KNOW?" and realize it was probably from that stooooopid gmail sweep. GAH!

I went through a deep weeding of the facebook friends last night. While I still have a large group (I obviously need to do another weeding), it feels much better than it did...

Posted by Keri at January 25, 2009 02:48 PM

I've been on Facebook for a year now. Fortunately, I have been able to keep it small. This is where I reconnected with old college friends, and others with whom I've taken classes since those days.

Posted by tracy at January 30, 2009 09:12 PM
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