Comments: Swallow Before Reading

I remember when I was a boy scout, we learned about how the native americans in our area prepared acorns for consumption. Much pounding and repeatedly boiling; a very involved process. It resulted in a bitter, nearly unpalatable goo. And if it wasn't done right, it was toxic. I always wondered, "Why go to all that trouble for something that sucks?" and "How many people died before they figured out how to prepare it? And who decided they should keep trying?"

Posted by Kyle at November 21, 2010 03:09 AM

I live in an area where people spend lots of money on sea food in posh restaurants and they even have to take the shells off themselves. One waiter told my brother in law. It doesn't matter how you get inside the things the important part is to enjoy it.

Posted by Anji at November 22, 2010 12:43 PM
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