Comments: Highway Robbery

i thought you'd been reading 'The Berrows Worcester Journal'The oldest newspaer in the world. My parents used to read it, they always had an archives section where you could read reports from up to 250 years ago (if I remember rightly)

Posted by Anji at August 26, 2011 04:58 AM

Bill, you will love this page...

Posted by Anji at August 26, 2011 05:01 AM

If I ever - heaven forefend - get arrested for anything, I want my case record to be written like that. I do love a good run-on sentence.

Posted by Kyle at August 27, 2011 01:09 PM
MT::App::Comments=HASH(0x55d713defa70) Subroutine MT::Blog::SUPER::site_url redefined at /home/nothingb/public_html/cgi-bin/mt/lib/MT/ line 125.